Reasons Dating Internationally is a Great Idea

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People say that dating long distance is hard and never worth it, but they’re just hating on it because they don’t know what long distance can do for a person. Sure, not seeing the person you’re falling in love with is hard, but when you think about the fact that it allows you to get to know the person on a deeper level before you jump into the heady stuff, it means that your relationship might actually work out in the end because you love each other for more than just your bodies and how you feel when you’re around each other.


International dating opens up so many possibilities to an individual. Here’s why it’s a great idea:

You Have An Excuse to Travel

As if you ever needed an excuse to travel, this one is starting you in the face and begging you to come on over for a vacation filled with romance, visits to places only the locals know about, and beautiful sunsets, among other things. If you’re all about margaritas and mexican food, there is no better way to get everything you love than to date a latino single. Perhaps you live in the states and visit Mexico every couple months…that’s a great excuse to travel and soak up the sun.

Your Children Will Have Dual Citizenship

Doing the creepy thing and jumping ahead to the time that you have your future latino lover have children, think about the fact that they will be dual citizens. In a world that is getting sketchier on the daily, that’s always a great thing to have. You get to live in either country because you’re married and your children get to choose because they legally belong to both.

Your Family Will Be Bilingual

When you date internationally, you automatically get to raise your family to be bilingual. You’ll have to learn it from your partner, but when you have children, you can decide to make them grow up speaking both languages. This puts them in a higher place in society because they will be in demand in the job market because globalization is a major thing.

You’ll Be Whispered Sweet Nothings to In a Different Language

If there is no other reason to date internationally, a good one is that you’ll be whispered sweet nothings to in a different language on the daily and that’s sexy as hell. Who cares if they’re telling you they have gas in portuguese. It doesn’t matter as long as it sounds nice coming off the tongue. People are into accents and foreign languages, so if you open yourself up to dating over borders, you might just be somebody in Italy’s cup of good, strong, American, black coffee.

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