Getting away with your family is the perfect opportunity to unwind and spend more quality time with the ones you love. You can choose to pack up and go quickly, or actually take the time to plan out where you’re going and what you’re doing so all goes smoothly.
There are steps you can take that will help you have a better family holiday and make sure everyone’s happy. If you’re someone who likes order and to know what’s coming up next, then you’ll definitely want to read on to learn more about what tips are going to allow you to do just that as you prepare.
Go someplace fun
Where you go matters the most, and if it’s not a very fun destination, then it could put a damper on the entire trip. Get together as a group and give everyone a chance to express where they wish to go. Brainstorm ideas ahead of time and do research on your own to figure out which places are best for kids. If you’re looking for some inspiration, one idea is to vacation here because it’s fun, beautiful and there’s a lot to do. What you don’t want to do is to leave it last minute and pick a random spot or go somewhere only because it’s cheap and convenient.
Plan Ahead & Pack Smart
It’s a good idea to plan in advance and determine if this is a place you can road trip to or need to fly. You also want to research accommodations and book a hotel that’s comfortable and safe for the family to stay. Pack smart and light, only bringing what you need so it’s easier to travel around, and you don’t have to drag around heavy luggage. Know what the weather will be like and have any extra supplies you may need to bring along ready to go ahead of time.
Stay Busy & Participate in Different Activities
Keep everyone engaged and satisfied by staying busy and finding activities that are fun for the whole family to participate in together. For example, go for a hike, play in the water or take a tour with a group of others. Whatever it is, make sure you pick a few activities in advance and reserve your spot ahead of time before it fills up. The busier you stay, the less of a chance for anyone to get too crabby, and the better you’ll all sleep at night.
Avoid Unnecessary Arguments
Although there will be moments when you’re going to feel irritated, avoid yelling and arguing as much as possible on your trip. This will hurt the mood, and everyone will feel uneasy when people are showing a lot of negative emotions. Instead, talk through your problems and differences and find a civil way to work through whatever’s bothering you or another family member. This way the holiday won’t be ruined, and you can all move on and feel good about yourselves for working through the issue.
Be in the Moment
You’re on holiday so you should want to enjoy the experience and be fully engaged in what you’re doing if you want to remember the trip in detail. Unplug from your devices and avoid being distracted by unnecessary worries that can wait until you get home. Enjoy playing with your kids and hearing their laughter and look around and take in the sights, smells and sounds near you. You’ll thank yourself later for doing this when you’re feeling relaxed and at ease on your trip.
Schedule in some Downtime
Don’t forget about taking care of you in the midst of all the excitement. Be good about scheduling downtime for yourself and family members. Sneak off and get a massage or take a nap by the poolside listening to your favorite music. No matter what it is, pick an activity that allows you to unwind and rest your mind. While there’s a lot, you’re going to want to do while you’re away, remember that holidays are also made for resting and rejuvenating so you’re ready to return to your busy schedule feeling good when the trip is over.
Stop Rushing Around
Slow down and take one step at a time when you’re away with your family. Be early to wherever you’re going so you don’t have to feel rushed getting to each specific location or activity. Plan ahead and know where you need to be at what time to avoid arriving late and feeling overwhelmed. Remember getting away from your daily responsibilities is supposed to give you a chance to release any tension you’ve been feeling and rushing around everywhere isn’t going to help you achieve this goal. What you need to do is follow an itinerary and make sure everyone’s ready to go when you say it’s time to leave.
Take time to exercise
Although you’re on holiday, it’s still important to move your body and get exercise, even if it’s for a few minutes a day. Work in a daily sweat session at the hotel gym or go for a walk on the beach as a family once in a while. Be good about getting your steps in and not simply sitting around all day without burning any calories. Exercise is healthy for you and will lift your mood and provide you with more natural energy while on your trip. Remember you’ll be eating out a lot, so to maintain your physique you’re going to want to challenge your body regularly.
Believe it or not, your holiday can get even better than it’s ever been in the past. These are a few steps you can take to help you get there and create a more memorable and fun family escape. While there will always be a few obstacles along the way, do your best to make it nice for everyone and give yourself time to rest and decompress too. Try not to get too caught up in the details and go with the flow somewhat, if you want to truly feel at ease and not let the little mishaps bother you.