Early 20s is a time of exploration. It is the age when people grow and evolve. It is the age when people take on concrete personalities and form opinions. In our early 20s, we learn faster than we ever had before. Right out of college, we are hungry for experiences and are full of wanderlust. In our early 20s we crave for variety and for a sense of growth. While spending time in college, we all come across different cultures and people. These tend to leave a mark on us. They also leave us with a hunger to know more about the different cultures around the world. And what better way to understand cultures and people extensively than traveling. In reality, by traveling we are able to fulfil two tasks: our hunger for exploration and our thirst for personal growth. How can there be personal growth by traveling you might wonder? As people in early 20s, we are much more open to things than our older dogmatic selves. This is the time of our life when we aren’t drunk on our success or drowning because of our ambitions. These are the times when we are like a cup. We aren’t tea cups or wine cups. In our early 20s, we are all purpose cups. Not young enough to be swayed by anything and everything and not old enough to not budge even under the great winds of change.
Keeping up with the same thought, today we bring to you a list of countries one must travel to in their early 20s. These countries are full of culture and life altering experiences. They will change the way we perceive the world and, in turn, the way the world perceives us. Book cheap tickets and explore these countries that just might help you evolve.
No list of places full of culture can be complete without the inclusion of Japan in it. Japan is, perhaps, the greatest amalgamation of deep rooted culture and modern thinking. The people of Japan are some of the most warm, welcoming, and respectful humans in the whole world. Their ethics and etiquettes dictate almost everything they do. Apart from the lovely people, the country is absolutely stunning. The beautiful beaches that are very different than the ones found in the west in terms of their vibes. The amazing architecture and Zen way of living inspires a sense of calm deep within the visitors. The cherry blossom season in Japan is a sight to behold as the trees are taken over by shades of all colors. All in all, Japan is a must visit in your early 20s. Get cheap airline tickets to anywhere in Japan and eat the world famous Japanese Ramen right at the place of its origin.
Here, you learn to let go. A very important location for travelers in their early 20s, Mexico has a lot to offer. The food here is delightfully delicious and has made a name for itself all over the world. However, that’s not all there is to Mexico. The country breeds hope. Something that every human in their early 20s should learn to breed in themselves. The cityscapes, the beautiful beaches, the dense forests, and the cacti filled deserts are a metaphor for this. Also, the nightlife is like an adventure in itself. The people of Mexico are known to treat visitors like long-lost friends. They will treat you to the best of everything. They will also give you lessons on how to deal with the day to day hassles of life, something Mexicans are famous for.
This is one of those countries that has a little bit of everything. Beaches, mountains, rivers, lakes, falls, canyons, forests, deserts, salt plains, and islands. On top of having such diverse geography, the country also has a very different set of culture practiced by the indigenous people. This is a place where a traveler is able to see through the contrast with utmost ease. From mansions to slums, from high tech cities to uncontacted tribal villages, from castles to ruins, contrasts are a part of an Indian’s day to day life. And, so is spirituality. This is a country which introduced the concept of Nirvana and Karma to the world. This is something that has intrigued legendary artists and world famed business leaders to come here and learn contrast and spirituality. Beatles and Steve Jobs are just two names from a long list of influential people who traveled to India to find themselves and experience a country with the widest variety of cultural practices. Get last minute flight deals on your trip to India and explore one of the most culturally rich countries in the world.