Monetising Your Passion for Travel

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Before I even get to the meat of the discussion, first I must clarify the need for one to be upfront about how much time they’re going to dedicate to such an endeavour before you even start doing any further research about how to monetise your passion for travel. It’s a binary thing – either you’re going to do it part time and not expect to generate any meaningful earnings for a while yet, or you’re going to dive into it fully and make this into your main source of income.

That way you make sure to leave room for the type of disappointment which if you’re not adequately prepared for, can have you giving up way too quickly.

Either way, it really has to be something you’re passionate about because there are going to be many days on which you just won’t feel like working and it is this passion which will pull you through and have you putting in the requisite work to make this a success.

Document your own experiences

This is the cheapest way to get started on your quest to monetise your passion for travel, or in fact any niche really. Sticking with travel specifically though, how much easier can this get than to buy yourself a good WordPress theme and get busy sharing your own experiences via a blog? This is the base upon which you’re going to build a career out of monetising your passion for travel and I speak from personal experience, in case you hadn’t noticed.

The thinking behind this is that people who read and interact with your content are those people who naturally have in interest in it and so it’s very easy for someone to book their next flight or accommodation via a link you supply (affiliate link) if you’ve shared with them all the details they’d want in order to take the plunge. That’s where honesty comes into play though and this is where it becomes important to be careful not to just bombard your readers with affiliate links.

Most of the links you share by way of recommendations (I’d say about a full 95%) should be genuine recommendations (not that the affiliate links you share won’t be genuine) and ones which you clearly suggest not to be getting any compensation for sharing, such as a few posts through which I’ve shared some information about the best flight delay compensation company to use in the event that a flight delay has caused one of my readers some inconvenience.

Incorporating more monetisation channels

I’m telling you – if you make sure to pour your heart into every piece of information you share, there’ll be so many monetisation channels to explore, some of which seek you out instead of you having to go out and find them. For example, I still have an open round-trip ticket which I’ve yet to use, sponsored by a major airline which simply wants me to mention them very subtly in one of the upcoming posts I’m going to publish right here on my blog!

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