Moving abroad is a huge step in one’s life, whether the move comes on the back of a career-change opportunity which you just can’t pass up on or indeed if it’s purely based on a desire to make a dramatic lifestyle change. As far as lifestyle changes go, this is probably about as big as it gets, even if every indication is that you’re moving to a place that pretty much looks and feels like the home you come from.
There is a whole lot to this stance though – it’s HUGE, but because of how easy many people make it look through TV shows such as House Hunters International and personal vlogs on the likes of YouTube and Facebook, the sheer enormity of a move abroad can often be down-played somewhat. Do not kid yourself – it’s a mega transition and we should perhaps explore what it really means to start over in a brand new country.
Culture shock
It could very well come in the form of a culture after-shock in that you start noticing cultural differences which weren’t too visible when you were visiting as a tourist, but there will always be a culture shock to contend with when you move to a new country. Take it in your stride, after all, the different way of life is probably one of the main reasons why you chose to make your move in the first place.
Weakened support structure
This is simply a matter not being able to jump in your car and visit your parents or grandparents anymore, or any of your lifelong friends – I’m talking here those friends you’d call if you were stuck on the side of the road or something like that.
Relinquishing of certain rights
Unless you become a naturalised citizen of the new country you’ll be residing in, there are certain rights which as even a permanent resident you just won’t have the privileges of. It’s usually not anything too serious, like voting for example, which is a practice often reserved solely for citizens in any country.
Complete overhaul of your selection of service providers
None of these listed pointers are meant to highlight anything overly negative about electing to make the move abroad. They’re just a good dose of reality so that you know exactly what to expect, one of which is how you will have to effect a complete overhaul of your selection of suppliers of the goods you’ll need in your life and the service providers. Depending on where you’re moving this could very well work out in your favour by way of costs and the quality of service. If you’re moving to Georgia for example (in the United States), the fact that you can solicit the services of an Atlanta personal injury attorney who specialises in the local and regional law implicitly means you’re getting a better service than one you’d get back home, where legal professionals generally cater to the national market.
Otherwise yes, you will indeed be heading to completely different types of stores to do your grocery shopping and you’ll probably find that simple services such as filling up on fuel works differently in your new country of residence as well.