How to Get the Best Deals on Your Moving Costs

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Whether you’re moving to or from a big city, or even if you’re moving locations within a big city, the logistics involved with relocating can add up to a real financial nightmare, taking a huge bite into a budget you’d otherwise have set aside to help you settle in more comfortably. Just pondering the move is already stressful enough, but wait until you start frantically running around trying to organise a moving company to safely relocate your entire life packed into boxes. Fortunately though, as with just about everything else in life, with a little tact and the correct application of some proper planning principles, the costs associated with moving can be slashed right down to a very comfortable figure.

moving cost

Plan Well in Advance

Now your ability to plan in advance obviously relies on the circumstances surrounding your decision or need to move in the first place, but planning the logistical details concerning your move in advance can play right into your hands and save you a lot of money. In this particular instance planning in advance would mean calling up different moving companies long before the actual moving date. Be direct in asking them for their best moving service quote and if possible subtly, let them know that you’re shopping around looking for the best deal and that you’re not desperate at this point. Moving companies that get regular business are always looking for ways to make the most out of every trip, which could perhaps result in a common scenario where they’re already booked to handle removals in and around your area. This stroke of luck could result in markedly reduced prices for you in that they could make a plan to squeeze you in on the same trip. Although this is a scenario that can only come to light if you plan and enquire well in advance.

Announce Your Grand Departure and Grand Arrival

Let as many people as you can know about your relocation. Your current next door neighbour or indeed your new roommate or new next door neighbour could very well know someone who knows someone else who works for something like a courier company. Perhaps that person could just happen to be on their way back from your current area to your new location on the day that you plan to move, and they could maybe be in control of a conveniently vacant van at the time. You just never know and the only way to find out is by letting people in on your intentions. Friends, family members, neighbours and sometimes even that person you occasionally greet are normally always willing to help and, you know, six degrees of separation and all that…

Settling on a Removal Company

It’s perhaps almost inevitable, but if you’ve exhausted all your cunning and all your plans to try and reduce your moving costs, the time comes for you to re-visit some of those best quotes you solicited from various removal companies. Some of the best removal companies you can ultimately settle on are those which explicitly sell themselves as more than just doing removals. Look for encouraging catch phrases like a man-and-van removal service which comes with an element of personalisation and always try to negotiate your price.

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