Many writers are known to, shall we say, imbibe freely of the labours of Bacchus, and have accordingly left an imprint on quite a few bars. Some are more famous than others are, not because of the quality of the liquor, but because of those who frequented it. If you have itchy feet and a passion for literature, it is time to put on your Nike shoes and check out these three notable literary bars.
The White Horse Tavern in New York City
The Big Apple has many attractions, and one of these may seem an unlikely one. It looks like just one of many dives that sprang up at the turn of the 20th Century for the benefit of sailors, until you find out that it is the frequent haunt of quite a few famous contemporary writers. “The Horse,” as it was fondly called, was the haunt of the likes of Dylan Thomas and Rudven Todd. In fact, the story is Thomas came in, downed 18 shots of whiskey one after the other, and died shortly afterwards. Not a very inspiring story perhaps, but it is worth a visit for all that.
Cerveceria Alemana in Madrid
Laconic writer and poet Ernest Hemingway frequented this bar whenever he was in Madrid, and he actually wrote the first third of his To Have and Have Not around the time that he was downing beer in this charming little joint. It is likely that he wrote at least some of his work at the bar, perhaps drinking coffee because he supposedly never wrote while he was drinking.
Les Deux Magots in Paris
Currently a popular tourist spot in Paris, there was a time when the patrons were not carrying cameras, but pens. Les Deux Magots became a magnet for writers and artists alike, such as Picasso, Sartre, Brecht, Joyce, and of course Hemingway. It became known as a centre of intellectual discussion, and continues to draw creative types to this day.
These bars are quite popular and can make your stay in other cities and countries more relaxing and fun!