Walking it Out – Exploring on Foot

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With a little bit of pre-planning, exploring a particular travel destination you’re to shortly visit can result in your body enjoying some free health benefits, especially with regards to your feet. When we’re travelling, especially if we’re going someplace far or someplace we’ve not been before, it can become very easy for us to eat into the minimum daily recommended amount of exercise we should be aiming to get. You understandably get so busy organising your trip, especially with regards to the transport arrangements, that you neglect to leave some room for walking.

As part of your plan to ensure you get in the requisite daily exercise your feet need to stay healthy, leave some room for walking. It really isn’t that much of a bother these days anymore. The Google Maps web application or your phone’s Maps app (which uses GPS and Google Maps) make for some tools you can use to map out a walking terrace and they’re very accurate too. You can even map out a couple of alternative routes in addition to the recommended main walking route as a great way to ensure your feet get their much-needed daily stimulation. Check out this Anatomy of the Human Foot infographic by Brantano to get the full low-down on just how much walking you need to do daily in order to keep your feet healthy.

Brantano Anatomny of the Foot FINAL

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