Need a Break? 3 Reasons to Holiday in St Lucia

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If you need a vacation but don’t know what to do, familiar options are probably the first thing to enter your mind. You might remember the time your family went to the Grand Canyon, or the trip to Disney World a few years ago with your kids. Something you may not have thought about is going on luxury holidays in St. Lucia.

St Lucia and the Caribbean is the ultimate tropical vacation and we look at the top reasons to holiday in St Lucia this year.

Year-round climate

The tropical climate of the island and temperatures don’t vary much between winter and summer, meaning it is a sun bather’s paradise. The trade winds keep the island cool and fresh so visitors can enjoy their visit.

The ultimate relaxation destination

This tropical island is unsurprisingly the perfect destination for a relaxing holiday, which is why it is a popular destination for celebrities and honeymooners. St Lucia’s beautiful beaches, lush rainforests and warm waters as well as pursuits such as hiking and sailing mean visitors can enjoy the chilled vibe of the island during their break.

There are lots of scenic places holidaymakers can visit as well; from sulfur springs and waterfalls to botanical gardens and even a drive-in volcano.


The Caribbean is renowned for loving a party and St Lucia is no different as it boasts a calendar of events.

In early May there is a Jazz festival with music being played all over the island, whilst mid-July sees the start of the St Lucia carnival and this welcomes steel bands and energetic parades.

There are lots of other food festivals, sports events, sailing regattas and even a Festival of Lights event in December to enjoy.

Extra tip:

If you are looking at booking a honeymoon or a wedding in St Lucia you should make sure you book it well in advance as it is a hugely popular destination for these events.

Some of the most popular destinations to celebrate a wedding, honeymoon or anniversary is the Calabash Cove.

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